In the inaugural EnergyPROSPECTS brief, we have highlighted some key takeaways from the first project deliverable that lays out the conceptual framework for the project’s exploration of energy citizenship.
The EnergyPROSPECTS conceptual framework opens up the concept for a more comprehensive, nuanced and process-oriented definition of energy citizenship. It sets the scene for the three-year project and raises questions such as: What is energy citizenship? How is it taking shape across the European continent today? What implications could it have for the governance of the European energy transition, from EU to local level? And, most importantly, why should we care about less visible types of energy citizenship?
Conceptual framework energy citizenship – Deliverable 2.1
Throughout the project we will summarize each major deliverable in a brief form, to make the findings from EnergyPROSPECTS more accessible to a wider audience. Stay tuned for the next brief where we will introduce our preliminary typology of ten types of energy citizenship.